Online Edition II
cum questo argumentare / quanto piu ma-
giore fiume de elloquentia effunderai
tanto piu me darai materia de rico-
prire, quello che io volgio ne posso |
discoprire.2 Philarco. Et qual in te
sara cosa da non poterla communicare
cum chi te ama? et qual secreto sara si
dubio che non se debia aprire alamico?
Habi chio potro riputarti non ami-
co / se tu monstrarai poco fidarti dime,
chi non si fida / teme esser ingannato.
Ne si puo amare colui in chui tu
tema esser perfidia. Et chi non ama per
certo; non merita esser amato et chi
conosciesse (quanto dame tuti senti)

With all this arguing, the more you let flow this great river of eloquence, the more you give me material to cover what I wish to uncover, but cannot. Philarco. What can be within you that you are unable to communicate with the one who loves you? What secret can be so dreadful that it ought not be shared with a friend? Be assured that I would not consider you a friend if you showed such little faith in me. He who does not trust fears to be deceived. Nor can you love someone in whom you fear there is malice. And he who does not love certainly does not deserve to be loved, and he who knows himself to be loved (as much as you feel you are loved by me)