Online Edition II
Folio 14 recto
ue et poco cespuglio il ferma. Cossi
gli animi nostri quanto piu sono grandi
et gravi; tanto ben che tardi mossi me-
no si possono in suo corso contenere. Non
pero rimasse dame cum ogni astutia
et argomento storli da lanimo quello fu-
rore / quale io provo / non e nostra liberta
potere se non ne ubedirli. Et poi cheio al
tutto provai ogni mia industria ivi esser
perduta deiphira mia / tu sai quanto io cono-
scea tanto mingiegnava / che tu amassi cum
modo et ragione. Oime che anchora io
non sapeva quanto amando mai si possa te-
nere in se ragione alchuna, et come il
nochiero se mai vento superchio la vertigia

and a little bush can stop it. In this way, the more weighed down our spirits are, the less they can be stopped from their course, although they have started moving late. Nonetheless, I did not refrain from taking away from my spirit, with all my cunning and reason, that wrath which I feel and to which I have no choice but to submit. And after I proved that every effort of mine had failed there, my Deiphira, you know that I tried, as much as I knew how, to make you love with measure and reason. Oh, I still did not know how impossible it is to keep any reason in oneself when in love. If a ship is buffeted by a violent wind, the helmsman will