Online Edition II
Folio 16 recto
Philarco. Ne qui a me piace lassare
te et gli altri amanti errare / e quali poco
conoscendo el costume dele femine su-
bito se li fanno servi sonno le femine /
come ciaschum palese vede de natura
troppo gharegiosa et in ogni cosa troppo
godono contra porsi et soprastare conten-
dendo. Di qui nasce quello antiquo
proverbio appresso i commici poeti quale
si di[ce]. Ove tu voi ella non vole. Se
tu non voi ella in prova / ti si profferisse.
Et questo certo non per donarti gratia di
se alchuna ma per teco vincere concertan–
do. Adunche giova sapere non dico spre-
giarle ne isvilirle; pero che la femina offesa

Philarco. Nor in this matter do I wish you and other lovers to err who, knowing little of women’s ways, immediately make themselves their servants. As anyone can clearly see, women are exceedingly belligerent by nature, and in everything they enjoy opposing and dominating others. From this is born the old proverb that belongs to the Comic Poets, which says: “Whatever you want she does not want. If you do not want her, she will offer herself to test you.” And this is certainly not to grant you any favors, but rather to vanquish you by beguiling you. Therefore, it is good to know how not to spurn or vilify them, since never in memory has a woman