Online Edition II
mi vedi troppo ti turbi tu anchora ai
me non raro a gran torto me bastinemi.
O pallimacro sfortunato, quella nos-
tra deiphira quale io vidi lacrimare
dolendossi si forsi quanto certo dovea
prendeno ainiuria una et un altra sua
sdegnosa parola quella medesima quella
deiphira tanto da noi amata; quella
deiphira che tanto mi . amava teste mai
si satia di crescierci ogni di piu e piu
dolore. Philarco. Pallimacro nella
vita de mortali nulla si trovo achi non
stia apparechiato el suo fine. Troia fu
grande et alta. Babillonia fu richa et
possente, fuorono athene ornatissime

see me, you are so disturbed–woe is me!– and you even curse me, very often wrongfully. O unlucky Pallimacro, if I sometimes took4 justified offense at some scornful word of hers, that Deiphira of ours, the one I saw weeping, lamenting, this same Deiphira who was so loved by us, now never gets enough of increasing our pain every day more and more. Philarco. Pallimacro, in the life of mortals, nothing exists for which an end has not been prepared. Troy was great and lofty; Babylon was rich and powerful; Athens was refined