Online Edition II
omai esci ditanta servitu prehendi viri-
le animo dite ebuon partito una sola
volta ti dolera tagliare quel membro
quale al continuo troppo ti tormenta. So
io si ate parea aspro lassare quanto hai in
uso quella equellaltra hora vederla e
salutarla. Ma stima che niuno inchiari-
co in amare sta si grave el quale non sia mol-
to ligiero achi lo voglia sopportare, et
inchiarico per ischoncio/ et smesurato che
sia diventa ligiero achi ildepone lamore
crescie per uso/ et per disuso sciema. Non si
puo/ no/ un lungo amore perdere in un di
ma quella via sera prestissima qual
sia sicura[,] conviensi possare lo incharcho

leave this great servitude once and for all. Muster your manly spirit to choose wisely. It will only hurt you once to cut off the limb that continues to cause you so much pain. I know how hard it seems to you to give up the habit of seeing and greeting her all the time. But consider that no burden in love is so heavy that it does not seem light to the one who wants to bear it, and any burden, as shameful and heavy as it may be, becomes light to the one who sets it aside. Love grows with use, and diminishes with disuse. It is not possible for a longstanding love to be lost in a day. However, the path is only fast insofar as it is safe. If the burden of love presses hard upon you,