Online Edition II
quanto appresso di chi tu ami. Questo co-
stume troverai in omni femina / che mai
amara chi troppo ami lei. Stimano le
femine servo non amante chi troppo loro
stia sugieto. Et godono non de la molta
affectione di coloro sia troppo ubidien–
te ma del servigio; et per non perdere il ser-
vigio / mai sofferano lo infelice amante
esca di tormento. Anci per ben haverlo |
sugieto omni di pongono novo dolore.
Ma dimmi questa quale tu ami meri-
ta ella esser amata da te? pero che sarebbe
troppo biasmo amare persona di che tu
havessi aroserti / quando ella ti fusse in
presentia lodata. Pallimacro. O felice
as to the one you love. You will find this habit in every woman: she will never love the one who loves her too much. Women consider someone who is too much subject to them to be a servant, not a lover. And they enjoy, not the affection of the man who is too obedient, but rather his service; and so as not to lose this service, they do not tolerate the unhappy lover’s escape from torment. On the contrary, to keep him properly subject, they impose a new torment on him every day. But tell me, this woman you love, does she merit your love? For it would be shameful to love someone who, when praised in your presence, would make you blush with embarrassment. Pallimacro. Oh happy