Online Edition II
chi puo amare / et non amare asua posta
Io non potei fare chi non amasse / ne pos-
so ristare di dolermi amando. Non
deiphira mia non deiphira non meriti
di essere amata dame?4 Tu bella tu gi-
entile / tu ligiadra si; ma troppo sdegno-
sa / troppo obstinata / troppo suspectosa /
poco pietosa. Un piciolo giacio in una
preciosissima gemma la viliscie. Et uno
acto sdegnoso dishonesta omni bel vol-
to, et ben che tu mi sie nimica / o deiphi-
ra mia / tu pur me sei cara. Et ben chio
mi doglia esserti cum mie lacrime gio-
co pur mi piace contentarti dogni |
mio male, tu cossi voi / et io tanto posso

is the one who can love and not love as he wishes. I was not able to keep myself from loving, nor can I stop myself from suffering as I love. No, my Deiphira, no Deiphira, don’t you deserve to be loved by me? You are beautiful, so refined, so graceful, yes; but you are too disdainful, too stubborn, too suspicious, merciless. A little ice on a precious blossom withers it, and a disdainful act mars a beautiful face. And although you are my enemy, oh Deiphira, still you remain dear to me. Although it pains me to be your plaything with my tears, I still like to please you with all of my suffering. You wish it so, and I can