Online Edition II
et sollazo. Philarco. Et questo altro
errore, mi pare non picolo inchi ama che
mai resta fra se stessi pregare; lodare
et dolersi achi non lode, et poi in presen–
tia dimenticano se stessi stupefano di-
ventano muti; et solo dicono cose di
che poi si dolorano haverle dete. E si vo-
le fra se prima pensare che acti che guar-
di; che parole in che modo ogniuna cosa
sia melgio et piu utile ate / et piu ac-
cepto achi tu ami; et mai esserla in cosa
alcuna ben minima senon grato et io-
cundo. Tacere non troppo; parlare non
superbo; chiedere gientile; ascoltare gra-
tioso, rimirare dolce; motegiare festivo

Philarco. And this other error seems not insignificant in those who love, who never cease, when alone, to pray, to praise, and to complain about the one who does not hear them; but in whose presence they forget themselves, are stupefied and dumbstruck, and only say things that afterwards it pains them to have said. And one should consider beforehand which acts, which glances, which words — how each thing would be more useful to you, and more acceptable to the one you love, and never be, even in the slightest way, disagreeable or displeasing to her. Be silent, do not speak too much, ask nicely, listen graciously, gaze kindly, banter cheerfully,