Online Edition II
Folio 11 recto
solazare vezoso, et in ogni cosa usare fa-
cilita costume / et ligiadra maniera,
et piacerli in qualunche virtu di te pos-
si mostrarli proferirteli talle che la non
ti sdegni / partirse talle chela te deside-
ri; ritornar talle chela se allegri veder-
ti udirti; et remirarti sempre lasiarli
che pensare di te cosa pur lieta et amo-
rosa, et cossi sempre seguire pascendo
amore / de dolci iocondi ragionamenti.
Ma dime pallimacro in che modo ca-
desti tu in questo amore? ciercasti tu il
male tuo come vedo fanno molti che
per tutto porgono gliochi a qualunche no-
va ferita. Pallimacro. Io non cherchava
play charmingly, and in everything, have an easy way about you and a gracious manner, please her in every virtue you can display, offer yourself to her so that she does not disdain you. Leave in such a way that she desires you more, return so that she will be happy to see, hear, and admire you; always leave her to think only happy and lovely thoughts about you, and in this way always continue to nurture love with sweet and cheerful conversation. But tell me, Pallimacro, in what way have you fallen into this love? Did you seek out your own harm, as I see many do, who are on the lookout for any new injury? Pallimacro. I did not seek it out