Online Edition II
Folio 12 verso
da lungi. Tu mai eri sacia di lodarmi
a tutti et proferirmi, tu quanto io era do-
ve tu fussi mai ti pareva seno poco guar-
darmi infronte ridendo; et ragionarti
meco, et quanto spesso tristo me vidi te
rimaner dolorata / ove io da te me di per–
tiva, et quante cagione non raro fingiesti
per ritorvarti dove io fusse; et quanto sos-
pirando spesso accusasti me che si tardo
fussi ad amarti. Et io misero me, mi-
sero me / non so quale alhora presagio de
mei che hora soffero mali mi impauriva
onde forsi iudicasti che io fugissi te dei-
phira mia il quale hora ti siego pian-
giendo. O infelice me io dandoti piu

used to seek me out from among others, you never had enough of praising me and mentioning me to everyone. You never had enough of looking in my eyes, laughing and conversing with me. And whenever I left you, how often I saw you, oh miserable me, I saw you suffering; and how often I saw how many excuses you fabricated to find yourself wherever I was; and you, sighing, accused me of being so slow in loving you. And miserable me, miserable me, I wonder now, what presentiment of my current suffering frightened me so that perhaps you thought that I was avoiding you, my Deiphira; and now I chase after you, crying. Oh unhappy me, I provided you with many