Online Edition II
Folio 15 recto
fiamme le quale hora consumano me io
te profersi fare e dire quanto poi sempre
feci qualunche cosa a te piacesse. m
Philarco. O pazo pallimacro tu adunque
si poco stimasti la liberta tua, tu stolto
cossi ti facesti servo de una femina?
tu in tutto stimasti pieta fare a te uno
humile servo esser signore? Non e
pieta cossi nuocere a se per conpiacere al-
trui / non sapevi tu / che le cose promesse
non sono piu di chi le promesse, non
dando quel che tu prometi acquisti
odio. Edove il dai non pero ate crescie
gratia , tu adunque in un tracto perdesti
quello di che piu volte, a te ne serebe

the flames that now consume me, I offered to do and to say anything that would please you, which I have always done. Philarco. Oh foolish Pallimacro, did you value your freedom so little, you fool, that you made yourself the slave of a woman? Did you consider it an act of mercy to make such a humble slave your master? It is no mercy to harm yourself in order to please someone else. Did you not know the things that are promised no longer belong to the one who has promised them? If you do not give what is promised, you get hatred in return. And when you do give it, that does not mean that you gain more favor from her. In one stroke, you have lost that which, had you given it it freely,