Online Edition II
Folio 17 verso
dibatendossi e suoi ligieri et volatili
pensieri / tanto che le scendano di ogni al-
teza e superbo sdegno. E cossi in loro subito
vederete manchato lo sdegno ritorna-
to lamore. Pallimacro. Tutti quisti
esimili altri documenti hare io saputo in–
signare ad altri. Ma che giova sapere schri-
mire a chi habbi legate le mane. Io cossi
hora infelice mi trovo legato in questa ser-
vitu in quale solo me licito piangi[ere] la mi-
seria mia. E felice chi puo il suo male pi-
angiere palese. Philarco. Reputi tu
miseria servire chi quando tu dicevi a
mi8 ogni servitu certo fu sempre cum dis-
piacere. Ma ubedire a chi tama pare of-

by wrestling with fickle and changeable thoughts so that they are dragged down from all of their superiority and proud disdain. And in this way, you will immediately see their disdain disappear and love return. Pallimacro. I could have taught these and other lessons, but what good does it do to mock someone whose hands are tied? Thus I find myself now, wretched, bound in this servitude, so that all I can do is lament my misery. And happy is he who can openly lament his misfortune. Philarco. Do you consider it misery to serve someone when you used to say to me that every service is done with displeasure? But obeying someone who loves you seems