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Online Edition II

non sia intervenuto a me, e quali io mise-
ro mi non habbi troppo sofferto ma tanto
mi si conviene poi che ogni cosa mal vo-
lentiera principiato mal finisse. Philarco.
Mai fu amante che non si dolesse; mai fu
amor; non pieno di sospiri et lacrime com
mune vicio di chi ama che sempre inter-
petra dicti / acti / et facti pur inpegior parte.
Et sempre argumenta pure contra se ele
piu volte crede quello che non e diquello
che certo sia sempre dubita. Sete voi aman
ti cum la volunta troppo arditi; cum lopera
troppo timidi; cum il pensiero troppo astuti;
cum lastutia suspectosi; cum lo suspec-
to troppo creduli; cum credere troppo obstinati.

18 verso

has not also come to me, and from which I have suffered greatly. But so much I deserve, since everything that begins in ill will ends badly. Philarco. Never was there a lover who did not suffer. Never was there a love not full of sighs and tears. A common defect of anyone who loves is that he always interprets words, acts, and deeds in their worst light. And he even argues against himself, and most of the time he believes in what does not exist, and what is certain, he doubts. You lovers are too eager of will but too timid in works, with thoughts too subtle, with subtleties too dubious, with doubtful things too credulous, and with beliefs too obstinate.
