Online Edition II
gradito; et hora qual speranza a [m]e [qui]
puo mai relevare una minima parte
de li miei mali poi che i tempi iqua[li] con
tanto desiderio aspectavan mo a noi dei-
phira mia pieni di piaceri et sollaz[i]
quei medesimi a me sono con tanta tri[ste-]
za e despiacere passati. O fortuna mia |
acerbissima que luochi quali io mi fi-
dava fossino a nostri dilecti piu ap[-]
parechiati et acti que medesini sono
a me stati et chiusi e pieni di repulsa.
Hei me pallimacro infelice e quelle
persone quale io mi pensava fossino
a le nostre expectatione e desiderii quanto
doveano prompti et utili tristo me. Oi tris-

appreciated. And now what hope is there for me that can ever relieve the smallest part of my misfortunes? Since the times that we were awaiting with such desire, my Deiphira, so full of pleasure and delight for both of us, have passed for me with sadness and sorrow instead. Oh my most bitter fate! The places that I trusted were suitable for our delights and encounters were instead closed off to me, and filled with rejection. Oh me, unhappy Pallimacro, those people whom I thought would be as attentive and useful as they should have been to our expectations and desires, poor me, oh