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Online Edition II

et volsi reputare in bona parte se qui sia
il fine di toi mali libero dogni altro quali
talhora vengono fra cruciati amanti
grandissimi scandoli et callamita, et
certo sempre mi parse vero che lamore sia
facto come il lacte quale tanto piace
quanto egli ben fresco; poi soprastando pil-
gia troppi vicii. Cossi in amare quanto gli
amanti studiano porgiersi accepti e ben
veduti tanto lieti vivono pieni di sola-
zo gioco et festivi ragionamenti. Poi fer-
mato lamore subito insurgono suspecti
e dai suspecti le gilosie / e da le gilosie
nascono isdegni / e de qui crescono il
vindicarsi / e le inimicitie / e solo le ini-

22 recto

And one should consider carefully whether here is the end of your misfortunes, discounting any other great scandals and calamities that sometimes occur, as certainly always occur between quarrelling lovers. And certainly it has always seemed true to me that love is like milk that you enjoy greatly when it is fresh, but which curdles after sitting out. The same is true about love: the more lovers strive to appear agreeable and give a good impression, the more they live happily, full of pleasure, playfulness, and lively conversation. And then once love has been secured, suspicions suddenly arise, and from suspicions, jealousies, and from jealousies, disdain, and from these arise vindictiveness and enmity, and the enmities
