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Online Edition II

micicie de gli amanti si provano essere a-
cerbissime. E sono le femine quanto di men
consiglio e ragione tanto piu che gli huomi-
ni troppo sfidate sospectose dispectose
unde per minima cosa si trovano adirati,
et poi per monstrarsi iustamente cruciati perse-
verano e crescono ad inimista; ne trove-
rai nimico si capitale che non forse qualche
volta cum una tua parola si mova a pieta
solo il cuore dela femina sdegnato indura
per lacrime de chi lama; et apena cum sangue
canzella uno suo conceputo isdegno; pero si
vuolle non mai scoprirse amanti se non quan
do vidi poter subito prima satisfarte che
lamore pigli suoi vicii et conviense chol tem

22 verso

of lovers are proven to be particularly bitter. And women are much less wise and reasonable than men, and more unfaithful, suspicious, and shrewish. Therefore, they find themselves enraged by the slightest thing, and then, to show themselves justly outraged, they persevere and grow in enmity. Even the man who is your mortal enemy might be moved to pity by one of your words; it is only the offended heart of a woman that is made more obdurate by the tears of the one who loves her. And even blood can hardly erase any alleged slight to her. Therefore you should never reveal you are in love unless you know you can immediately obtain satisfaction before love curdles. Over time,
