Online Edition II
subito se richiudeno in solicitudine don–
de chol troppo ripensare strachi escono
senza havere pensato a nulla. Agli ani-
mi affanati nuoce ogni sollicitudine11
et troppo giova apresso gli amici ragio-
nando possare la graveza de le suoe cu-
re. Et che fai pallimacro che pur miri a
terra fisso e muto rispondi pregoti e ragio-
nando dimenticarai in parte il tuo male; fu
o tuo; o suo, pure errore casone di tanta
nostra discordia. Pallimacro. Non fu mio
non / e in tutto tuo errore deiphira non ; anci
la iniqua mia fortuna cussi fa te verso
di me essere umbrosa e schiffa e bene
presente e prehendissi questa ruina quale

suddenly retreat into worry, from which, with excessive rethinking, they come away exhausted without having thought of anything. Every worry is harmful to exhausted minds, and talking with friends to take away the weight of their cares is helpful. And what are you doing, Pallimacro, that you keep staring at the ground fixed and speechless? Answer, I pray, and by talking you will forget, in part, your suffering. Either your error or hers was the cause of your great discord. Pallimacro. It was not mine, no, and not completely your error, Deiphira. On the contrary, it is my unjust fortune that makes you so irascible and contemptuous, and I indeed immediately grasped this misery