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Online Edition II

hora mi tiene sopresso in tanta callamita.
Ma puossi mai l chiudere tutte le vie
al mal che die venire / e come a laqua tu
quanti piu rivi gli obturi; tanto cum piu im
peto rompe in altro corso. Cossi ladversa
fortuna quanto piu teli contra pone tanto
piu si carga et irrumpe / ove mai hare-
sti dubitato, et a un tempo qui ne vengon
quella furia; quale in piu rami prima si
sfogava. Philarco. Niuna iniqua
fortuna. Niuno caso adverso mai val-
se rapire la benivolentia di chi vera-
mente ami / ne qui sia in argomentato
altri che te stesso il quale soffrendo tanto
dolore; pure seguiti amando. et quella

24 recto

that now immerses me in such calamity. But one can hardly close off all the paths to evil that must arise. And as with water, the more you dam a river, the more forcefully it breaks out into another course, likewise, with adverse fortune, the more you try to block it, the more it grows and bursts forth where you least expect it. And all at once, there comes that fury that before was dispersed through other channels. Philarco. No unjust fortune, no adverse circumstance ever succeeded in snatching away the benevolence of a true lover, nor should the object of our discussion be anything other than you yourself, who, enduring so much pain, still continue to love. And
