Online Edition II
sara non poco errore in chi ami se et
forse stimera perfidia non haversi al-
tutto dedicato achi verso di lui ser-
va ne fede ne pieta. Stolto chi tende
tutti ilaci soi auno solo varco vol-
se haver piu porti dove ridurse da
contrarii venti. Et inmare mi piacie
havere chi mi riceva se altrui forse
mi comiata. Ne puo correre se non
lento chi non hara cum chi egharegi.
Et vidi quanta utilita qui serebe ate
si chi ti si proferiva havesse da ser[-]
bare caro la sua parte del tuo amore,
prima tu cum arte haresti quegli a
mori guidati quanto quello di deiphi[-]

would be no small error for someone who loves, if perhaps, he will consider it faithless if he does not dedicate himself entirely to someone who has neither faith nor pity towards him. Foolish is the man who sets all his snares in only one pass; you one should have many ports in which to where you can shelter from contrary winds. And when abandoned at sea, I would like to have someone to rescue me. Nor can one run swiftly who has no competitor. And you see how useful it would be, if the one who was offering herself to you cherished her share of your love. In the beginning, you would have skillfully kept those loves silent and hidden just like Deiphira’s