Online Edition II
et afflicte le infelici amanti. Quali pur
teste loro tanto erano care ne li pare
peccato adoperare ad iniuria quello che li sia
stato donato per amore et cortesia, troppo
certo sera contrario aogni nobile et bu-
ona natura si dello amore nasce inimis-
ta. Lassano egientili amanti usare dis-
pecti et sdigni a puri villani poi che
gientileza sempre fu piena de humanita
et facilita; gientileza non serba sdegno ver–
so chi te ami; sente di iniuria. Ma benti
conforto, o pallimacro mio quel che tu ve-
di esserti da la iniqua fortuna tua vie-
tato. Quello che tu provi quanto che facile
puo non vole usare teco pietade alchu-

miserable and afflicted. These men do not not hesitate to misuse what was given to them as a gift of love and courtesy, to injure those women who, just a moment ago, were so dear to them. Certainly, it would be contrary to any noble and good nature that enmity be born out of love. Noble lovers leave disrespect and disdain to the uncouth, because nobility has always been full of human kindness and ease. Nobility does not show scorn towards the one who loves you; it is an affront to it. But take comfort, oh my Pallimacro. Do not desire what is forbidden by unjust fortune; what you are experiencing, when someone who5 easily could does not wish to show you mercy; or what you know