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Online Edition II

se pur terete streto in mano cosa quale
dove piu la stringiete piu vi pungie.
Forsi anchora tu scioccho pallimacr : o te
credi da costei esser amato. Credimi
pallimacro adeiphira amando dorebo-
no le pene tui e sella non havesse te troppo
ad odio. Ela certo non potrebe non piangiere
vedendoti tanto afflicto. Se questa tua
deiphira pallimacro mio fusse di animo
verso te non molto inimicissimo, ella non
dubitare mai goderebe cossi straciarti.
Pigliane argomento da te stesso, perche tu
vero amilei troppo ti duole mirarla
se non lieta et contenta. A dunque sella po-
co amate, sella tanto te inimica tu quj

29 verso

when you keep holding tight in your hand that which stings you more the tighter you grasp it. Perhaps, witless Pallimacro, you still believe she loves you. Believe me, Pallimacro, if Deiphira loved you, if she did not hold you in such contempt, she would suffer from your pain. She certainly does not cry seeing you so afflicted. My Pallimacro, if this Deiphira of yours felt anything other than deep enmity towards you, do not doubt that she would never enjoy torturing you like this. Take yourself as an example: since you love her, it is very painful for you to see her as anything other than happy and content. Therefore, if she loves you so little, if she is that much your enemy,
