Online Edition II
terrano intristeza et miseria Et emi te
co intervenuto qual suole chi apresso
il fabro ben dubitava quel ferro fusse
raceso; ma per piu certificarsi il prese et
molto si cosse la mano. Cossi a me ove
io pur stimava inte esser qualche non
poca molestia et ardentissima cura
danimo / hora io la sento in questa tua
risposta talle che la tropo mi cuoce,
et quanto ella sia magiore tanto piu
ate desidero levarla. Non e solo
utile ma piu virtu levarsi de lani-
mo le cosse moleste / edove il dolore
superchie le nostre forze / segli vuole
cedere / poi che cossi solo il dolore se

that weigh you down in sadness and misery. And so what happened to me with you is what would have happened to someone who, when he was at the blacksmith’s, doubted the iron was hot; but to make more sure, he picked it up and badly burned his hand. So, while I did think that you had some great trouble and burning preoccupation in your soul, now what I hear in your response burns me so much, and the greater it is, the greater also is the desire to release you from it. Not only is it useful but, even more, virtuous, to remove these troubling things from the soul, but when the pain conquers our powers, we must yield to it, since the only way we can