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Online Edition II

ella ama et da luj accepta ogni cosa sem-
pre in megliore parte. Vero et cussi sempre
sdegna et riceve adispecto / et interpetra pu-
re in male tutto cio che faci / chi gialisia in
odio; tu adunque quante piu cose farai per pi-
acerli tanto piu gli ne dispieceranno et
piu tene inimichara. Pallimacro. Sa
ra mai tanta adversita nel nostro amore,
chio possa credere te essere a me deiphi-
ra mia inimica; et che vita sara la mia
misera edolorosa? Philarco. Anci se-
ra libera daogni cura esolicitudine la
tua non amarai esera misera vita adei-
phira quando inlei ardono suoi crucij esuoi
sdegni. Pallimacro. Et potro io che

31 verso

and accepts everything from him in the best light. Conversely, she always disdains, takes offense, and finds fault with everything coming from the one whom she already hates. Therefore, the more you do to please her, the more you will displease her, and your actions will make her even more your enemy. Pallimacro. We will never experience such adversity in our love that I could think of you as my enemy, my Deiphira, and what kind of poor and wretched life would I have? Philarco. In this way, your life will be free of all care and worry, but Deiphira’s life will be miserable, when her vexation and scorn burn within her. Pallimacro. And I can
