Online Edition II
forse traboccassi in uno animo pieno di
di tanto tristeza quanto e il mio nulla
piu visi puo metere che non faci sopra
traboccare il dolore. Philarcho. Sia cus-
si ne io pero mi scoprirei tanto adolorato
et questo per non esser grave achi me ama
et per non ne far contento chi del mio mal
godessi , et si vol fingiere non curare quello
che altri indispecto fa per che tu molto curi.
Cussi fallito i suoi pensieri restara di es-
serti in quella parte molesto. Sempre fu
utile in obscuro tendere le sue rethe.
Pallimacro. Parte gli forse meglio
vestirsi di urtica et monstarsi nudo?
Philarco. Pare ame certo meglio mon–

that it will even then overflow? In the same way, you cannot put anything more in a soul as full of sadness as mine without making it overflow with pain. Philarco. That may be. However, I would not show that I was so hurt, so as not to burden those who love me nor gratify those who revel in my pain. And you must feign indifference at what others do to rile you. In this way, when their plans fail, they will cease to trouble you. It has always been useful to lay snares in the dark. Pallimacro. Which is better: to clothe yourself in stinging nettles or to show yourself naked? Philarco. To me, it certainly seems better to show