Online Edition II
dispiacesse et che haresti lanimo tuo li-
bero amagiori tue e molto piu eter-
ni lodi. Ma poi che qui non dai luogo
adaltri piu facili rimedij uno solo ci
resta elquale ti possa restituire in liber-
ta, fugi pallimacro lungi dove ne ve-
ga / ne oda ricordare deiphira / ne ma-
dre / ne sorelle ne di suoi alchuno. |
Quanto piu ti scosterai / tanto piu si
strachara lamore / aperseguitarti la-
more non molto nutrito in ocio di
lieti sguardi edolci ragionamenti peris-
ce. Pallimacro. Misero pallimacro
tu adunque fugirai la patria tua pa-
renti et amici tuoi. Equal tuo vicio

so that you could keep your spirit free for greater and more eternal praises. But since you are not open to other, easier remedies, then only one remains that can restore your freedom. Run far away, Pallimacro, so that you may neither see nor hear anything that reminds you of Deiphira, neither her mother, nor her sisters, nor any of her relatives. The more you distance yourself, the more love will tire of pursuing you. Love perishes if it is not nourished in the leisure of happy glances and sweet conversation. Pallimacro. Oh wretched Pallimacro, you will then flee your homeland, your relatives and your friends. And what have you done